
Want to create realism in art? You've come to the right place.

Photo of painting supplies for realism.

Painting Realism

Tips & Suggestions For Creating Realistic Paintings

Photo of oil painting supplies.

3 Ways To Make Oil Paint Dry Faster

Simple things you can do to make your oil paint dry faster.

Photo of Gamblin oil paint tube of flake white next to 3 paint colors on palette.

How To Paint Realistic Skin Tones In Oil

Learn to mix skin tone oil paint.

Flowers lit in daylight vs. chiaroscuro lighting.

What They Don't Tell You About Chiaroscuro In Painting

Why to use chiaroscuro in your paintings and how to do it.

Oil paint colors next to painting of face.

How To Make Skin Tone With Paint

Step-by-step guide to making a skin tone with paint.

Old metal tool box full of oil paint tubes.

Oil Painting How To

No-nonsense guide to oil painting.

Floral oil painting sitting in a sunny window.

Does Oil Paint Dry Faster In The Sun?

Explore how sunlight, heat, and humidity impact oil paint drying time.

Stack of oil paper sheets with oil paint

Paper For Oil Painting

Explore oil painting on paper.

An underpainting for a portrait in oil.

How To Begin A Portrait In Oil

Step-by-step tips on how to start your first portrait, from materials to techniques.

Variety of oil paint mediums.

Oil Painting Mediums

Discover a secret about oil painting mediums that they don't always teach in art school.

Oil paint colors that make pink.

What Colors Make Pink?

Uncover the secrets of mixing stunning pinks with oil paint!

Oil paint colors that make a flesh color.

What Colors Make A Flesh Color?

Tips to help you easily achieve realistic flesh tones with oil paint.

Oil painting that has high contrast light and shadow.

Contrast In Art Painting

Discover how to easily add contrast to your paintings!

Oil paint colors that make pink.

Oil Painting Supplies

What materials do I need to start oil painting?

Oil paint colors that make a flesh color.

Preparing A Canvas For Oil Painting

Easily prepare your canvas for oil painting with this straightforward method.

Oil painting that has high contrast light and shadow.

What Colours Make Skin Tones

Unlock the secrets to mixing oil paint colors for lifelike skin tones.

Oil paint colors that make pink.

What Are The Essential Brushes For Oil Painting?

What brushes do I need to start oil painting?

Oil paint colors that make a flesh color.

How Do You Blend Colors In An Oil Painting?

Simple methods for blending color in an oil painting.

Oil painting that has high contrast light and shadow.

What Are The Best Oil Paints For Beginners?

the basics needed to build your oil painting starter kit.

Oil paint colors that make pink.

What Materials Do I Need To Start Oil Painting?

Oil Painting for Beginners: What You Need to Get Started

I hope that this site will help you discover tips and techniques for creating realistic paintings. To help you elevate your artistry with no-nonsense guides to painting realism. Unlocking secrets of painting realism with essential tips and suggestions. Transforming your artwork as you enhance your painting skills.

On this site, we'll explore a variety of strategies and methods to help you achieve more lifelike paintings. By being straightforward and practical, we'll discuss ways to work towards improving our ability to capture realism in our artwork. These resources will provide insights that will hopefully unlock some of the mysteries behind creating realistic paintings.

Let's dive into essential techniques together as we learn to elevate our paintings to new heights. With a focus on practical advice, let's learn how to refine our skills, bringing a sense of authenticity to our work. Whether a beginner or an artist looking to enhance existing abilities, these tips are designed to assist along the journey toward mastering the art of realism.

Let's hone our painting skills with deliberate practice while applying the insights we gain along the way. Let's embrace the process of learning together.